Monday 26 March 2012

A Tea Party with ALL the Trimmings

Finding myself husband-less for the weekend, I decided to make the trek out to Hill Spring to stay at my sister Jana's place for a few days. We swap babysitting from time to time, and such was the case for this voyage. It's only an hour from her driveway to mine, so really it's not that bad of a drive, assuming the weather cooperates. 

I am fairly familiar with a good portion of the people from Hill Spring. Both my brother and my sister and their families live there, a few good friends from high school, as well as some of Ryley's extended family. When Jana invited me out to a Tea Party with some of the ladies from the area, I was glad to go, and felt welcome attending. When considering the amount of people I knew would probably be attending, I assumed there would be someone there for me to get to know better. Instead of taking the easy route with a family member or family member-in-law, I decided to take the opportunity to sit beside someone new or someone I'd like to get reacquainted with.

Ryley and I have lived in our house for 5 years, which, for some reason, amazes me. But aside from that, we have had the opportunity to see people come and go in our neighborhood. During that time I had the chance to meet Tracey Beck, and visit with her a few times. But shortly after I had met her, she moved out to Hill Spring. I assumed I would see her again soon since I'm frequently in Hill Spring, but I didn't think it would take two years to reconnect, and at a Tea Party nonetheless. 

I had the opportunity to sit next to Tracey and take little time to reconnect while we sipped from our tea cups. Lots has changed in the past two years; I'm back to school and she's since had a baby who's almost a year old! I really didn't think Tracey remembered much of the few times we visited before she moved, but I was surprised when she turned to me and said, "Trish, I really have to thank you."  She continues, "my husband hardly eats ichiban noodles anymore and less macaroni and cheese since we moved. I never liked it when he did, but I couldn't get him to listen to me when I'd say it was't good for him." I tried to remember back the best I could... I must have gone off on a nutrition tangent at some point in a past conversation, but I was really glad that what I'd said had made a difference. And I thank Tracey for bringing it to my attention, it made me happy.   

I can't recall ever attending a Tea Party party before, but this one was everything I had imagined one would be like: Tables of appetizers and finger food, sweet treats and dessert, flowers and fine tea china, complete with everyone wearing hats and the Cheshire Cat in the Tree. Did I forget to mention we were in Wonderland for the evening? And to accommodate this all for more than 70 ladies! That's an accomplishment. My hat goes off to those in charge. It was a wonderful evening. 

First time to the blog? Click here to read more about our endeavor.    

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